Customized Settings

Changing Personal Contact Data

Note: Depending on the configuration, this function might not be available.

You have the following options:

Note: Depending on the configuration, attachments will be checked for viruses before being downloaded.

How to change your personal contact data:

  1. Click the My account icon in the menu bar. Click on Edit personal data.

  2. Change the data. Click on Save.

Tip: You can also change your personal contact data by using the User data widget in the Portal app.

How to create a contact picture:

  1. Click the My account icon in the menu bar. Click on Edit personal data.

  2. Click on the empty contact picture. The Change contact picture window opens.

    • You can upload an existing image or take a new picture with the device camera.

    • You can adjust the image section with the zoom and by moving or rotating the photo.

  3. Click on Save. The photo will be inserted.

    In order to edit the photo, click on it.

User interface:

Related topics:

Parent topic: Customized Settings