
Calendar Settings

How to open the Calendar settings:

  1. Click the Settings icon in the menu bar. Click on All settings.

    You can also click on Settings in the App Launcher.

    The Settings window opens.

  2. Click on Calendar in the left pane.

The settings can be found in the following sections:

Also see: Searching for Settings


Your week

Appointment reminders

Defines default settings for new appointments.

Additional timezones

Allows you to add additional timezones that can be displayed in the calendar. See Managing favorite time zones

Jitsi meetings

With those options, you can define the behavior if you select Jitsi Meeting in the Conference drop-down when creating appointments.

  • automatically copy link to location. Defines whether the link for the Jitsi meeting participation will be copied to the Location field.

See Creating an audio/video conference in the editing window

Zoom meetings

With those options, you can define the behavior if you select Zoom Meeting in the Conference drop-down when creating appointments.

  • Appointments. 

    • Always add a random meeting password. Defines whether the conference will be secured by an automatically created password.

    • automatically copy link to location. Defines whether the link for the Zoom meeting participation will be copied to the Location field.

    • copy dial-in information to description. Defines whether the link for the Zoom meeting participation will be copied to the Location field.

  • Dial-in numbers. If you at least have a Zoom Pro account, Zoom offers dial-in numbers per country. To define the countries to be displayed in in appointment invitations, click on Open Zoom profile.

See Creating an audio/video conference in the editing window

Advanced settings

User interface:

Related topics:

Parent topic: Calendar