User Guide > Index



add email account, Adding Email Accounts
add storage accounts, Adding Storage Accounts
disable or enable functional email accounts, Disabling or enabling functional email accounts
display, Viewing, editing, deleting accounts
edit, Viewing, editing, deleting accounts
edit the primary email account, Editing the primary email account
remove, Viewing, editing, deleting accounts
set up social networks, Adding a Portal widget for social networks
Add attachment
appointments, Adding attachments when creating an appointment
contact, Adding attachments when creating a contact, Adding attachments when creating a task
email, Adding attachments when sending
from existing email, Adding attachments from existing emails when sending
Add storage accounts, Adding Storage Accounts
Address Book, Address Book
components, The Address Book Components
detail view, The Address Book detail view
distribution list editing window, The distribution list editing window
editing window, The contact editing window
Folder view, The Address Book folder view
list view, The Address Book list view
navigation bar, The Address Book navigation bar
New contact button, The New contact button
the Settings menu, The Address Book settings menu
toolbar, The Address Book toolbar
Address book
add personal address books, Adding personal address books
automatically add contacts, Automatically Adding Contacts or Resources from an Address Book
automatically add resources, Automatically Adding Contacts or Resources from an Address Book
invite contact to appointment, Inviting contacts to an appointment
send emails, Sending emails from within an address book
settings, Address Book Settings
Address book settings
initial folder, Address Book Settings
link postal addresses with map service, Address Book Settings
Names, Address Book Settings
Address directory
automatically add contacts, Automatically Adding Contacts or Resources from the Address Directory
automatically add resources, Automatically Adding Contacts or Resources from the Address Directory
display contacts, Displaying contacts in the address list
automatically add from address book, Automatically Adding Contacts or Resources from an Address Book
automatically add from address directory, Automatically Adding Contacts or Resources from the Address Directory
collect from emails, Collecting addresses
AI functions, Using the AI Integration
use AI chat, Using AI Chat
use for composing emails, Using AI functions when composing emails
use for email replies, Using AI functions when replying to emails
An appointment's color, How are appointments displayed in a calendar view?
Address Book, Address Book
Calendar, Calendar
Drive, Drive
Email, Email
set up local apps with a wizard, Using a Wizard to Set Up Local Apps
Tasks, Tasks
App launcher, App Launcher
add attachments, Adding attachments when creating an appointment
add participants or resources, Adding participants or resources when creating an appointment
call appointment participants, Calling Appointment Participants
change appointment status, Changing the appointment status
change reminder, Changing appointment reminders
change the organizer, Changing the organizer
change time or duration, Editing Appointments
colors, How are appointments displayed in a calendar view?
create a follow-up appointment, Creating a follow-up appointment
create appointments by using the resource calendar, Creating appointments by using the resource calendar
create from iCal, Creating appointments from iCal attachments
create, edit, manage as deputy, Creating, Editing or Managing Appointments as Deputy
delete, Deleting Appointments
display, Viewing Appointments
display in calendar view, Displaying appointments in different views, How are appointments displayed in a calendar view?
display in list view, Displaying appointments in different views
display time zones, multiple -, Displaying multiple time zones
edit, Editing Appointments
export, Exporting appointments
find free times, Using the scheduling view
forward, Forwarding Appointments
import, Importing appointments
invite email recipients to new appointments, Inviting email recipients to new appointments
invite from address book, Inviting contacts to an appointment
invite participants to a new appointment, Inviting participants to a new appointment
manage, Managing Appointments
manage favorite time zones, Managing favorite time zones
move to another calendar, Moving appointments to another calendar
organize with categories, Organizing appointments with categories
print, Printing appointments
reschedule to another day, Editing Appointments
resolve conflicts, Resolving conflicts when creating an appointment
respond to invitations, Responding to Appointment Invitations
save attachment, Viewing or Saving Appointment Attachments
schedule audio/video conferences, Creating an audio/video conference in the editing window
search, Searching for Appointments
set an appointment's display, Setting the appointment display in the editing window
set appointment reminder, Setting appointment reminders in the editing window
set recurring appointments, Creating a recurring appointment in the editing window
use calendar colors, Using calendar colors
use countdown, Customizing the Notifications, Using Countdowns for Appointments
use the date picker, Using the date picker in the editing window
use the scheduling view, Using the scheduling view
view attachment, Viewing or Saving Appointment Attachments
delete keys, Managing Autocrypt keys
import keys, Importing Autocrypt keys
show keys, Managing Autocrypt keys
transfer keys to other clients, Transferring Autocrypt keys to other clients
verify keys, Managing Autocrypt keys


Browse categories, Browsing categories
button for creating new objects, The button for creating new objects


Calendar, Calendar
add calendars, Adding Calendars
add personal calendars, Adding personal calendars
calendar view, Day, Work week, Week, Month or Year calendar view.
components, The Calendar Components
create appointments by using the resource calendar, Creating appointments by using the resource calendar
date picker, The date picker
detail view, The Calendar detail view
editing window, The appointment editing window
Folder view, The Calendar folder view
import, Importing calendars from files
list view, The Calendar list view
mini calendar, The mini calendar
New appointment button, The New appointment button
organize appointments with categories, Organizing appointments with categories
pop-up, The Calendar pop-up
scheduling view, The scheduling view
settings, Calendar Settings
subscribe to Google calendars, Subscribing to Google calendars
subscribe to iCal calendars, Subscribing to external calendars from an iCal url
subscribe to public and shared calendars, Subscribing to public and shared calendars
the Settings menu, The Calendar settings menu
toolbar, The Calendar toolbar
use calendar colors, Using calendar colors
use resource calendars, Using Resource Calendars
use the scheduling view, Using the scheduling view
Calendar settings
advanced settings, Portal Settings, Calendar Settings, Address Book Settings
appointment invitations, changes or deletions, Customizing the Notifications
appointment reminders, Calendar Settings
automatically apply appointment changes received via email to your calendar, Calendar Settings
Automatically delete the invitation email after the appointment has been accepted or declined, Customizing the Notifications
automatically mark all day appointments as “free”, Calendar Settings
End, Calendar Settings
Jitsi meetings, Calendar Settings
participants accept or decline appointments, Customizing the Notifications
Participants accept or decline your invitation, Customizing the Notifications
participants can edit appointments, Calendar Settings
scheduling, Calendar Settings
show birthday calendar, Calendar Settings
Show declined appointments, Calendar Settings
show reminders for past appointments, Customizing the Notifications
Start, Calendar Settings
subscribe to shared calendars, Calendar Settings
Time scale, Calendar Settings
use first category color for appointments, Calendar Settings
Work week, Calendar Settings
working time, Calendar Settings
Zoom meetings, Calendar Settings
appointment participants, Calling Appointment Participants
contacts, Calling Contacts
sender or another recipient, Calling the Sender or Another Recipient
task participants, Calling Task Participants
browse, Browsing categories
manage, Managing categories
organize appointments with categories, Organizing appointments with categories
organize contacts with categories, Organizing contacts with categories
organize emails with categories, Organizing emails with categories
organize tasks with categories, Organizing tasks with categories
use, Using Categories
working with inbox categories, Working with inbox categories
Change the appointment organizer, Changing the organizer
Cloud storage
see add storage accounts, Adding Storage Accounts
add address book, Adding Address Books
add attachments, Adding attachments when creating a contact
add from vCard, Adding a contact from a vCard attachment
automatically add email address from address directory, Automatically Adding Contacts or Resources from the Address Directory
automatically add email address from an address book, Automatically Adding Contacts or Resources from an Address Book
call, Calling Contacts
copy, Moving or copying contacts
create, Adding Contacts
create a distribution list from a list of participants, Creating a distribution list from a list of participants
create contact picture, Adding Contacts
create distribution lists, Adding Distribution Lists
create new distribution lists, Creating new distribution lists
delete, Deleting Contacts
display, Displaying Contacts, Displaying an address book’s contacts
display in the address list, Displaying contacts in the address list
display the halo view, Displaying contacts in the halo view
edit, Editing Contacts or Distribution Lists
export, Exporting contacts
import in CSV format, Importing contacts
import in vCard format, Importing contacts
invite to appointment, Inviting contacts to an appointment
manage, Managing Contacts
move, Moving or copying contacts
organize with categories, Organizing contacts with categories
print, Printing contacts
refresh and manage address book subscriptions, Refreshing and managing address book subscriptions
save attachment, Viewing or Saving Contact Attachments
save email recipients as distribution list, Saving email recipients as distribution list
search, Searching for Contacts
send as vCard, Sending contacts as vCard
send emails to, Sending emails from within an address book
subscribe to external address books, Subscribing to external address books
subscribe to public and shared address books, Subscribing to public and shared address books
view attachment, Viewing or Saving Contact Attachments
Context menu
Drivedisplay area, The Drive display area
Emaillist view, The Email list view
Folder view, The folder view
contacts, Moving or copying contacts
emails, Moving or copying emails
files, Copying files
Create a follow-up appointment, Creating a follow-up appointment
export, Exporting contacts
import, Importing contacts
Customized settings, Customized Settings


Date picker, The date picker
Definitions, Terminology
account, Viewing, editing, deleting accounts
appointments, Deleting Appointments
contacts, Deleting Contacts
email, Deleting emails, Permanently deleting emails
files, Deleting or Recovering Files and Drive Folders
folder, Deleting folders
tasks, Deleting Tasks
add, Adding deputies
create, edit, manage appointments, Creating, Editing or Managing Appointments as Deputy
delete, Viewing, editing, deleting deputies
display, Viewing, editing, deleting deputies
edit, Viewing, editing, deleting deputies
manage, Managing Deputies
manage emails, Sending or Receiving Emails as Deputy
send emails, Sending or Receiving Emails as Deputy
Detail view, The detail view
appointment attachment, Viewing or Saving Appointment Attachments
contact attachment, Viewing or Saving Contact Attachments
email attachment, Viewing or Saving Email Attachments
files in the viewer, Displaying a file's content
task attachment, Viewing or Saving Task Attachments
display area, The display area
Display contents
files, Displaying a file's content
Presentations, Holding a presentation
Display or sign off devices, Displaying or Signing Off Devices
Distribution list
add, Adding Distribution Lists
create from the list of participants, Creating a distribution list from a list of participants
edit, Editing Contacts or Distribution Lists
invite to appointment, Inviting contacts to an appointment
send emails to, Sending emails from within an address book
Download data, Downloading Personal Data
Download personal data, Downloading Personal Data
Drive, Drive
add files or folders to Favorites, Adding files or Drive folders to Favorites
add folder, Drive: Adding Folders
Adding files to the portal, Adding files to the portal
components, The Drive Components
Copying files, Copying files
create folders, Drive: creating folders
create text file, Creating Text Files
Creating or editing descriptions, Creating or editing descriptions
delete files and folders, Deleting or Recovering Files and Drive Folders
display a file's content, Displaying a file's content
display area, The Drive display area
display email attachments, Displaying email attachments in Drive
download files or folder contents, Downloading Files or Folder Contents
edit text files, Editing Text Files
file details, The file details
Folder view, The Drive folder view
Locking or unlocking files, Locking or unlocking files
move files or folders, Moving files or Drive folders
navigation bar, The Drive navigation bar
New button, The New button
organize files and folders, Organizing Files and Drive Folders
Printing files as PDF, Printing files as PDF
recover files and folders, Deleting or Recovering Files and Drive Folders
rename files or folders, Renaming files or Drive folders
Saving files as PDF, Saving files as PDF
search for files, Searching for Files or Folders
Sending files as email attachments, Sending files as email attachments
settings, DriveSettings
Subscribing to public and shared Drive folders, Subscribing to public and shared Drive folders
the Settings menu, The Drive settings menu
toolbar, The Drive toolbar
upload files, Uploading Files or Folders
upload folders, Uploading Files or Folders
view folder contents, Viewing Drive folder contents
viewer, The viewer
Viewing Files, Viewing Files
Working with versions, Working with versions
Add files, DriveSettings
show hidden files and folders, DriveSettings
Slideshow for images, DriveSettings
Version history, DriveSettings


account, Viewing, editing, deleting accounts
appointments, Editing Appointments
contacts, Editing Contacts or Distribution Lists
distribution list, Editing Contacts or Distribution Lists
file description, Creating or editing descriptions
tasks, Editing Tasks
text file, Editing Text Files
versions, Working with versions
editing window, The editing window
Email, Email
add attachments, Adding attachments when sending
add attachments from existing emails, Adding attachments from existing emails when sending
add email account, Adding Email Accounts
add folder, Adding Email Folders
add to portal, Adding an email to the portal
archive, Archiving emails
assign color, Categorizing emails
automatically add from address book, Automatically Adding Contacts or Resources from an Address Book
automatically add from address directory, Automatically Adding Contacts or Resources from the Address Directory
automatically forward, Automatically forwarding emails
call the sender or another recipient, Calling the Sender or Another Recipient
categorize, Categorizing emails
clean up folders, Cleaning up email folders
collect addresses, Collecting addresses
components, The Email Components
copy, Moving or copying emails
create reminder, Creating email reminders
delete, Deleting emails
delete Autocrypt keys, Managing Autocrypt keys
detail view, The Email detail view
disable or enable functional email accounts, Disabling or enabling functional email accounts
display, Viewing Emails
display attachments, Displaying email attachments in Drive
edit, manage as deputy, Sending or Receiving Emails as Deputy
editing window, The email editing window
encrypt incoming emails, Encrypting incoming emails by using a rule
export as PDF, Exporting emails as PDF
external images, Externally Linked Images in Emails
filters, Filtering Emails by Using Rules
Folder view, The Email folder view
forward, Forward emails
import Autocrypt keys, Importing Autocrypt keys
import from EML, Importing emails
inbox categories, Working with inbox categories
inbox categories bar, The inbox categories bar
list view, The Email list view
manage, Managing Emails, Deleting or Recovering Emails
mark as read, Marking emails as read or unread
mark as read, setting for, Mail Settings
mark as unread, Marking emails as read or unread
mark folder as read, Marking emails as read or unread
move, Moving or copying emails
New email button, The New email button
notification sounds, Customizing the Notifications
organize with categories, Organizing emails with categories
permanently delete, Permanently deleting emails
pop-up, The Email pop-up
print, Printing emails
read encrypted emails, Reading encrypted emails
recover, Recovering emails
recover permanently deleted emails, Recovering permanently deleted emails
reply, Replying to emails
save as EML, Saving emails
save attachment, Viewing or Saving Email Attachments
search, Searching for Emails
select a sender address, Selecting the sender address when sending
send, Sending Emails
send a vacation notice, Sending a vacation notice automatically
send as deputy, Sending or Receiving Emails as Deputy
send attachments as link, Sending attachments as link when sending
send encrypted emails, Sending encrypted emails
send from address book, Sending emails from within an address book
send later, Sending emails later
send to appointment participants, Sending an email to appointment participants
set reply-to addresses, Specifying a reply address when sending
show Autocrypt keys, Managing Autocrypt keys
show source, Showing the email source
the Settings menu, The Email settings menu
toolbar, The Email toolbar
transfer Autocrypt keys, Transferring Autocrypt keys to other clients
Unified Mail, Using Unified Mail
use AI functions for composing emails, Using AI functions when composing emails
use AI functions for replies, Using AI functions when replying to emails
use AI integration, Using the AI Integration
use draft, Using email drafts
use signatures, Using signatures
use templates, Using templates
verify Autocrypt keys, Managing Autocrypt keys
view attachment, Viewing or Saving Email Attachments
Email filters, Filtering Emails by Using Rules
add action, Adding an action
add condition, Adding a condition
apply a rule to existing emails, Applying a rule to existing emails
change rules, Changing a rule
create new rule when moving, Creating a new rule when moving
create new rules for the subject and the sender, Creating new rules for the subject and the sender
create rule, Creating new rules
encrypt incoming emails, Encrypting incoming emails by using a rule
example conditions, Adding a condition
Email, see Email, Email
create new encrypted documents, Creating new encrypted documents
create new encrypted files, Uploading files securely by using encryption
emails, Encrypting Email Conversations
emails with Autocrypt, Encrypting Email Conversations with Autocrypt
encrypt Office documents, Encrypting Office Documents
files, Encrypting or Decrypting Files, Encrypting files
save selected documents in an encrypted format, Saving selected documents in an encrypted format
Encrypt Office documents, Encrypting Office Documents
Encrypted document
: open, Opening encrypted documents
remove key, see decrypt files, Decrypting files
Encrypted emails
read, Reading encrypted emails
send, Sending encrypted emails
Encrypted files
: open, Opening encrypted files
download, Downloading encrypted files
remove key, Decrypting files
emails as PDF, Exporting emails as PDF
appointments, Exporting appointments
contacts, Exporting contacts
tasks, Exporting tasks
External email account
assign folders, Editing the primary email account
change name, Editing the primary email account
change sender name, Editing the primary email account


add files or Drive folders, Adding files or Drive folders to Favorites
favorite time zones, Managing favorite time zones
folder favorites, Adding folders to favorites
access with WebDAV, Accessing Files with WebDAV
add favorites, Adding files or Drive folders to Favorites
add to portal, Adding files to the portal
copy, Copying files
create description, Creating or editing descriptions
create encrypted files, Uploading files securely by using encryption
decrypt files, Decrypting files
delete, Deleting or Recovering Files and Drive Folders
display email attachments, Displaying email attachments in Drive
display in viewer, Displaying a file's content
download, Downloading Files or Folder Contents
download encrypted files, Downloading encrypted files
edit description, Creating or editing descriptions
edit versions, Working with versions
encrypt, Encrypting files
lock, Locking or unlocking files
manage, Organizing Files and Drive Folders
move, Moving files or Drive folders
open encrypted files, Opening encrypted files
print documents, text files, images, Printing files as PDF
rename file, Renaming files or Drive folders
save as PDF, Saving files as PDF
search, Searching for Files or Folders
send as email attachment, Sending files as email attachments
unlock, Locking or unlocking files
upload, Uploading Files or Folders
view, Viewing Files
WebDAV under Linux, Setting up WebDAV under Linux
WebDAV under Windows, Setting up WebDAV under Windows
First steps, First Steps
add folders to favorites, Adding folders to favorites
delete, Deleting folders
navigate in folder structure, Navigating within the folder structure
rename, Renaming folders
shared folders, What are folder types?
Folder structure
Favorites, Adding folders to favorites
hide folders, Hiding folders
navigate, Navigating within the folder structure
Folder view, The folder view
: open, Navigating within the folder structure
change width, Navigating within the folder structure
Favorites, Adding folders to favorites
hide folders, Hiding folders
Folders, Managing Data with Folders
: open, Navigating within the folder structure
add favorites, Adding files or Drive folders to Favorites
download contents, Downloading Files or Folder Contents
hide, Hiding folders
move, Moving folders
permissions, What is the purpose of permissions?
personal folders, What are folder types?
public folders, What are folder types?
search, Searching for Files or Folders
type, What are folder types?
upload, Uploading Files or Folders
Viewing Drive folder contents, Viewing Drive folder contents


General settings, Adjusting the General Settings
accent colors, Adjusting the General Settings
backgrounds, Adjusting the General Settings
Customize date and time formats, Adjusting the General Settings
language, Adjusting the General Settings
Look for new data every, Adjusting the General Settings
manage categories, Managing categories
quick launch bar, Adjusting the General Settings
start app, Adjusting the General Settings
time zone, Adjusting the General Settings
use categories, Using Categories
use, Using Groups
install like an app, Installing the Groupware Like an App
manually setting up on mobile device, Manually setting up the groupware on a mobile device
Guard, Encrypting Data with Guard
change password, Changing the Password
create new encrypted documents, Creating new encrypted documents
create new encrypted files, Uploading files securely by using encryption
decrypt encrypted files, Decrypting files
delete Autocrypt keys, Managing Autocrypt keys
download encrypted files, Downloading encrypted files
email encryption, Encrypting Email Conversations
encrypt emails with Autocrypt, Encrypting Email Conversations with Autocrypt
encrypt incoming emails, Encrypting incoming emails by using a rule
file encryption, Encrypting or Decrypting Files, Encrypting files
importing Autocrypt keys, Importing Autocrypt keys
Key Management, Key Management
manage own PGP keys, Managing own PGP keys
manage own S/MIME keys, Managing own S/MIME keys
manage S/MIME keys of recipients, Managing S/MIME keys of recipients
Managing PGP keys of recipients, Managing PGP keys of recipients
Office document encryption, Encrypting Office Documents
open encrypted documents, Opening encrypted documents
open encrypted files, Opening encrypted files
password management, Password Management
read encrypted emails, Reading encrypted emails
remove the password reset function, Removing the password reset function
reset the password, Resetting the password
save selected documents in an encrypted format, Saving selected documents in an encrypted format
send encrypted emails, Sending encrypted emails
set up, Setting up Guard
Settings, GuardSettings
show Autocrypt keys, Managing Autocrypt keys
sign out, Signing Out from Guard
Transfer Autocrypt keys to other clients, Transferring Autocrypt keys to other clients
verify Autocrypt keys, Managing Autocrypt keys
Guardsecurity settings
, GuardSettings
Autocrypt setting, GuardSettings
Default adding signature to outgoing mails, GuardSettings
default to send encrypted when composing email, GuardSettings
default to using PGP inline for new mails, GuardSettings
email cache setting, GuardSettings
Encrypt draft emails, GuardSettings
Remember password default, GuardSettings
reset options, GuardSettings
show advanced settings for composing mail, GuardSettings
compose options, GuardSettings


halo view, Displaying contacts in the halo view
Halo view, see pop-up, The pop-up


create appointments from attachments, Creating appointments from iCal attachments
export, appointments, Exporting appointments
export, task, Exporting tasks
import, appointments, Importing appointments
import, task, Importing tasks
appointments, Importing appointments
calendar, Importing calendars from files
contacts in CSV format, Importing contacts
contacts in vCard format, Importing contacts
email, Importing emails
tasks, Importing tasks
inbox categories
working with, Working with inbox categories
Initial setup, Carrying Out the Initial Setup
Install like an app, Installing the Groupware Like an App


call appointment participants, Calling Appointment Participants
call contacts, Calling Contacts
call task participants, Calling Task Participants
call the sender or another recipient, Calling the Sender or Another Recipient
schedule audio/video conferences, Creating an audio/video conference in the editing window
Jitsi settings
automatically copy link to location, Calendar Settings


Keyboard input, Keyboard Input
Calling functions with keyboard shortcuts, Calling functions with keyboard shortcuts
configure keyboard shortcuts, Configuring keyboard shortcuts
interact with the user interface, Key combinations and their functions, Functions and the associated key combinations.
keyboard navigation, Using the Keyboard Navigation
keyboard shortcuts, Using Keyboard Shortcuts
Keyboard navigation
examples of use, Examples of use for the keyboard navigation


List view, The list view
recover the verification, Recovering verifications
verify with authenticator app, Verifying a login by using an authenticator app
verify with security key, Verifying the login with a security key
verify with SMS code, Verifying the login with an SMS code


settings, Mail Settings
Mail settings
allow HTML formatted email messages, Mail Settings
append vcard, Mail Settings
ask before replying to a mailing list, Mail Settings
ask for mailto link registration, Mail Settings
automatic email address collection, Mail Settings
automatically send emails to BCC, Mail Settings
default text style, Mail Settings
email list item, Mail Settings
fixed-width font, Mail Settings
font size, Mail Settings
forward emails as, Mail Settings
insert the original email text to a reply, Mail Settings
Layout, Mail Settings
mark as read, Mail Settings
message format, Mail Settings
notification sounds, Customizing the Notifications
permanently remove deleted emails, Mail Settings
reading pane, Mail Settings
select newest read message automatically at start, Mail Settings
Show categories, Mail Settings
show date and time, Mail Settings
show folder with all flagged emails, Mail Settings
show folder with all unread messages, Mail Settings
show message size, Mail Settings
show requests for read receipts, Mail Settings
show text preview, Mail Settings
undo send, Mail Settings
use colors for quoted lines, Mail Settings
appointments, Managing Appointments
contacts, Managing Contacts
emails, Managing Emails, Deleting or Recovering Emails
files, Organizing Files and Drive Folders
tasks, Managing Tasks
Manage accounts, Managing Accounts
Manage verification methods, Managing verification methods
Managed resources
administrate as booking delegate, Administrating managed resources as booking delegate
create, Creating managed resources
use, Using Managed Resources
Menu bar, The menu bar
Mini calendar, The mini calendar
Mobile devices, usage on, Notes on Use on Mobile Devices
Multi-factor authentication, Multi-Factor Authentication
manage verification methods, Managing verification methods
set up verification methods, Setting up verification methods


add personal task list, Adding personal task list
address book, Adding Address Books
calendar, Adding Calendars
contact, Adding Contacts
create encrypted documents, Creating new encrypted documents
create encrypted files, Uploading files securely by using encryption
distribution list, Adding Distribution Lists
Drivefolders, Drive: Adding Folders, Drive: creating folders
email, Sending Emails
email folders, Adding Email Folders
personal address book, Adding personal address books
personal calendars, Adding personal calendars
send encrypted emails, Sending encrypted emails
task, Creating Tasks
task list, Adding Task Lists
text files, Creating Text Files
New objects, button, The button for creating new objects
Notification area, The notification area
Notifications, Customizing the Notifications
Open notification area automatically, Customizing the Notifications
show desktop notifications, Customizing the Notifications
use countdowns for appointments, Customizing the Notifications, Using Countdowns for Appointments
use the notification area, Using the Notification Area


change, Changing the Password
Guard change password, Changing the Password
Guard reset the password, Resetting the password
use application passwords, Using Application Passwords
export email as, Exporting emails as PDF
PDF, print files as, Printing files as PDF
PDF, save files as, Saving files as PDF
definition, What is the purpose of permissions?
personal contact data, Changing Personal Contact Data
Personal contact picture, Changing Personal Contact Data
call appointment participants, Calling Appointment Participants
call contacts, Calling Contacts
call task participants, Calling Task Participants
create contact picture, Adding Contacts
create personal contact picture, Changing Personal Contact Data
pop-up, The pop-up
Portal, Portal
add E-Mail, Adding an email to the portal
add file, Adding files to the portal
components, The Portal Components
customize, Customizing the Portal
Portal settings
Add widget, Portal Settings
delete, Portal Settings
disable, Portal Settings
Edit button, Portal Settings
edit widgets, Portal Settings
enable, Portal Settings
Move icon, Portal Settings
reduce to widget summary, Portal Settings
Portal widgets
add, Adding Portal widgets
change order, Changing the widgets' order
remove, Removing Portal widgets
set up social networks, Adding a Portal widget for social networks
hold, Holding a presentation
appointments, Printing appointments
calendar sheet, Printing appointments
contacts, Printing contacts
documents, text files, images, Printing files as PDF
email, Printing emails
list of appointments, Printing appointments
tasks, Printing tasks


Schedule audio/video conferences, Creating an audio/video conference in the editing window
Schedule conference, audio/video, Creating an audio/video conference in the editing window
appointments, Searching for Appointments
contacts, Searching for Contacts
emails, Searching for Emails
files or folders, Searching for Files or Folders
settings, Searching for Settings
tasks, Searching for Tasks
display or sign off devices, Displaying or Signing Off Devices
email encryption with Autocrypt, Encrypting Email Conversations with Autocrypt
encrypt emails, Encrypting Email Conversations
encrypt Office documents, Encrypting Office Documents
encrypt or decrypt files, Encrypting or Decrypting Files
externally linked images in emails, Externally Linked Images in Emails
Guardsettings, GuardSettings
multi-factor authentication, Multi-Factor Authentication
sign out automatically, Signing out Automatically
use application passwords, Using Application Passwords
contacts as vCard, Sending contacts as vCard
email, Sending Emails
email later, Sending emails later
Set the presence status, Setting the Presence Status
Set up verification methods, Setting up verification methods
accounts, Managing Accounts
address book, Address Book Settings
calendar, Calendar Settings
change password, Changing the Password
contacts, see address book settings, Address Book Settings
download personal data, Downloading Personal Data
Drive, DriveSettings
general settings, Adjusting the General Settings
initial setup, Carrying Out the Initial Setup
mail, Mail Settings
manage deputies, Managing Deputies
Notifications, Customizing the Notifications
personal contact data, Changing Personal Contact Data
Portal, Portal Settings
search, Searching for Settings
set the presence status, Setting the Presence Status
set up local apps with a wizard, Using a Wizard to Set Up Local Apps
Guard, GuardSettings
Share data, Which data can be shared?, Sharing data
Sharing, Sharing Data
resend an invitation, Resending an invitation
share data, Which data can be shared?, Sharing data
subscribe to public and shared address books, Subscribing to public and shared address books
subscribe to public and shared calendars, Subscribing to public and shared calendars
subscribe to public and shared task lists, Subscribing to public and shared task lists
Subscribing to public and shared Drive folders, Subscribing to public and shared Drive folders
Show desktop notifications, Customizing the Notifications
Sign in, sign out, Signing in, Signing out
Sign out automatically, Signing out Automatically
address book, Subscribing to external address books
Google calendar, Subscribing to Google calendars
iCal calendars, Subscribing to external calendars from an iCal url
messages from social networks, Adding Portal widgets
refresh address books, Refreshing and managing address book subscriptions
subscribe to RSS feeds, Adding Portal widgets
Subscribe to RSS feeds, Adding Portal widgets


Task settings
participants accept or decline tasks, Customizing the Notifications
participants accept or decline your invitation, Customizing the Notifications
task invitations, changes or deletions, Customizing the Notifications
Tasks, Tasks
add attachments, Adding attachments when creating a task
add participant, Adding participants when creating a task
add personal task list, Adding personal task list
add task list, Adding Task Lists
call task participants, Calling Task Participants
change confirmation, Changing task confirmations
change due date, Changing a task's due date
components, The Tasks Components
create, Creating Tasks
create recurring tasks, Creating a recurring task in the editing window
delete, Deleting Tasks
detail view, The Tasks detail view
edit, Editing Tasks
editing window, The editing window
export, Exporting tasks
Folder view, The Tasks folder view
import, Importing tasks
list view, The Tasks list view
manage, Managing Tasks
mark as done, Marking tasks as done
move, Moving tasks to another folder
New task button, The New task button
organize with categories, Organizing tasks with categories
print, Printing tasks
respond to invitations, Responding to Task Invitations
save attachment, Viewing or Saving Task Attachments
search, Searching for Tasks
subscribe to public and shared task lists, Subscribing to public and shared task lists
the Settings menu, The Tasks settings menu
toolbar, The Tasks toolbar
view, Viewing Tasks
view attachment, Viewing or Saving Task Attachments
Terminology, Terminology
Text files
create, Creating Text Files
edit, Editing Text Files
display multiple time zones, Displaying multiple time zones
manage favorite time zones, Managing favorite time zones
toolbar, The toolbar


Unified Mail, Using Unified Mail
file or folder, Uploading Files or Folders
Usage on mobile devices, Notes on Use on Mobile Devices, Manually setting up the groupware on a mobile device
Use AI chat, Using AI Chat
Use browser buttons, Using browser buttons
Use countdowns for appointments, Customizing the Notifications, Using Countdowns for Appointments
Use signatures, Using signatures
Use templates, Using templates
Use the notification area, Using the Notification Area
Use the scheduling view, Using the scheduling view
User interface
App launcher, App Launcher
button for creating new objects, The button for creating new objects
configure keyboard shortcuts, Configuring keyboard shortcuts
detail view, The detail view
display area, The display area
editing window, The editing window
Folder view, The folder view
general description, General Description of the User Interface
halo view, The pop-up
keyboard input, Keyboard Input, Key combinations and their functions, Functions and the associated key combinations., Calling functions with keyboard shortcuts
keyboard navigation, Using the Keyboard Navigation
keyboard shortcuts, Using Keyboard Shortcuts
list view, The list view
menu bar, The menu bar
Notification area, The notification area
pop-up, The pop-up
toolbar, The toolbar
use browser buttons, Using browser buttons


access files, Accessing Files with WebDAV
definition, Accessing Files with WebDAV
set up under Linux, Setting up WebDAV under Linux
set up under Windows, Setting up WebDAV under Windows


Add widget, Adding a Portal widget for social networks
create a Xing account, Creating a Xing account


call appointment participants, Calling Appointment Participants
call contacts, Calling Contacts
call task participants, Calling Task Participants
call the sender or another recipient, Calling the Sender or Another Recipient
schedule audio/video conference, Creating an audio/video conference in the editing window
Zoom settings
always add a random meeting password, Calendar Settings
automatically copy link to location, Calendar Settings
copy dial-in information to description, Calendar Settings